Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1 Story. 4 Parts. 8 Sections.

Never thought it'd be possible to chart the story line of a 2,000 page book from A-Z in only 3 pages! Can't imagine the benefits the completion of this project will provide, both in my life and in conversation with others. Very enlightening!

Quick Intro:
Comprised of 66 individual books written by over 40 Holy Spirit-led authors (2 Tim 3: 16, 2 Peter 1: 21), the Bible tells the story of Jesus Christ as creator (John 1: 4) and redeemer (Isaiah 60: 16) of all things.

The Pattern of the Kingdom: Genesis 1 & 2
God is eternal (Isa 26: 4) and created all things by his Word (Gen 1: 3). He created man in His image, both male and female, beginning with Adam and Eve (Gen 1: 26, 2: 22). They lived in the Garden of Eden (Gen 1: 8) under His rule, receiving blessings from Him through His spoken word (Gen 1: 28-30, 2: 16-25).

The Perished Kingdom: Genesis 3-11
At the serpent’s temptation, Adam and Eve brought sin into the world (Gen 3: 6-7). So, God banned them from the garden and sentenced them to suffering and death (Gen 3: 16-19). He foretold His redemptive plan by prescribing the destruction of the serpent (3: 15). Adam and Eve’s offspring included Cain, Abel and Seth (Gen 4, 5), the latter of which connected Adam’s lineage to Noah. Stemming from human rebellion, God wiped out humanity (excluding Noah and family) through a flood (Gen 6-9) and gave rise to many nations by dispersing His people at the Tower of Babel (Gen 11). At this time, God’s people (Noah’s line) were under God’s rule, outside of Eden, enjoying only some of God’s blessings (due to sin).

The Promised Kingdom: Genesis 12-50
Next, Abraham (of Noah’s line) was chosen by God and promised land and descendants through whom He’d bless the entire world (Gen 12: 2-3). His lineage continued with Isaac, Jacob and Jacob’s twelve sons (Gen 12-50). Israelites had reached 70 in number. In Egypt due to famine, they awaited God’s deliverance to His place, their promised land of Canaan.

The Partial Kingdom: Exodus-1 Kings 10
Here, God released his people from bondage under Pharoah (Exo 14: 21) and established His covenant with them through Moses at Mount Sinai (Exo 19: 5-6). His people, however, continued to rebel against him (Exo-Jgs). At their behest, God provided them with a king, Saul (1 Sam 9: 16-17), who God later rejected due to disobedience (1 Sam 13: 13-14). He then chose David, with whom He established an eternal covenant (2 Sam 7: 9-16). Israel’s most prosperous days were enjoyed under David’s son, King Solomon. In these years, the Israelites were a multitude and inhabited Canaan. God’s blessings or curses were conditional upon their obedience or lack thereof.

The Prophesied Kingdom: 1 Kings 11-Malachi
As a result of Solomon’s sin, wickedness increased, leading to the split and subsequent decline of Israel. Removed from God’s land, the Israelites faced a variety of exiles (most notably Babylon), were deprived of blessings and refused His rule. In faithfulness to Abraham, God brings them back to their land (Isa 48: 20), where they waited in anticipation for hundreds of years the fulfillment of God’s promise of restoration. These were the days when prophets such as Isaiah presented a vision of God’s Kingdom coming through His Chosen Messiah.

Present Kingdom: Matthew-John
Those prophecies were fulfilled with the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Messiah, who proclaimed the arrival of the Kingdom (Matt 4: 17). Through the power of the Holy Spirit in Him (Matt 3: 16), as well as by his death, burial, resurrection and ascension, Jesus redeemed God’s people. At this time, followers of Jesus, regardless of location, were God’s people, receiving His blessings through forgiveness and living under His rule through His teachings.

Proclaimed Kingdom: Acts-Jude
Since Jesus’ ascension, His followers have become an international community of people scattered throughout the earth, awaiting His New Creation and living under His rule (through the Bible). They are blessed securely in the new covenant (Jeremiah 31: 31-34) with Christ, who poured out the Holy Spirit on the church equipping them to spread his gospel to people all over the earth.

Perfected Kingdom: Revelation
In the New Creation (God’s place), will be people from every tongue, tribe and nation (Rev 7: 9). They will live under His rule and blessing forever. “He who began a good work” will have seen it “through to completion (Phi 1: 6).” Where the first Adam failed miserably, our Creator and Redeemer Christ excelled perfectly.

Resources: The Bible (NIV), Dr. Aaron O'Kelley (Union) and G. Goldsworthy (According To Plan).

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